Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Drawing- pen

the following drawings were made from images seen in marble-patterned tiles.

the skunk

faces everywhere

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Drawing- pen

Worried, 14 x 11 cm, 2009.

Senses, 3.5 x 3 cm, 2009.

?, 6 x 5 cm, 2009.

Markets- COFNA

set up for COFNA - collaboration of far northern artists. sat 19 dec on the esplanade.

Diploma in visual arts

have completed my Diploma in Visual Art :)

Read the Dictionary

Here are some words and meanings I would like to share.
praxis- practice, as distinguished from theory.
mimetic- 1 imitating reality in art or literature. 2. resembling another animal or plant.
culture- 1. the arts and other instances of human intellectual achievement regarded as a whole. 2. a refined understanding or appreciation of this. 3. the art, customs, ideas, and social behaviour of a nation, people or group.
finite- limited in size or extent.
imperceptible- too slight or gradual to be seen, heard or felt.
qua- in the capacity of; as being.
transcendent- 1. going beyond normal or physical human experience. 2. (of god) existing apart from and not limited by the physical universe.
benign- kind and gentle. not harmful or harsh.
-monger- 1. referring to someone who trades in a particular thing: fishmonger. 2. referring to a person engaging in a particular activity: rumour-monger.
grandiose- very large or ambitious, especially in a way which is intended to impress.
relentless- 1. never stopping or becoming weaker 2. refusing to give up; determined or strict.
denouement- the final part of a play, film, or story, in which matters are explained or resolved.
superficies- superficial- existing or happening at or on the surface. lacking depth of character or understanding; not concerned with serious matters.
idiomatic- using or relating to expressions that are natural to a native speaker.
delimiting- determine the limits or boundaries of something.
demarcate- set the boundaries or limits of something.
precarious- 1. likely to fall or to cause someone to fall. 2. not safe of stable.
zephyr- a soft, gentle breeze.
zeitgeist- the characteristic spirit or mood of a particular period of history.
sophisticated- 1. having or showing experience and taste in matters of culture or fashion. 2. appealing to sophisticated people. 3. (of a machine, system, or technique) highly developed and complex.
vicarious- experienced in the imagination after watching or reading about another person's actions or feelings. 2. done by one person as a substitute for another.
vestigial- remaining as the last small part of something.
pretentious- attempting to impress others by pretending to be more important or better than one actually is.
mandala- an intricate circular design symbolising the universe in Hinduism and Buddhism.